Starting out of a sheer desire to supply the neighborhood with the best quality weed, Buy Quality Weed Online grew to become one of the best suppliers of marijuana in Munich. Mike Ronald is a marijuana activist, enthusiast and businessman who saw an opportunity in the fast growing marijuana business and got involved to create a well reputable brand in the marijuana industry.

In the later part of 2009, the founder of Buy Quality Weed Online being a stockist back then and working for a company. His job made him travel all over Germany as he was continuously transferred to other company branches. In one of their outings during his stay in Munich, he tasted weed given to him by a friend and immediately discovered the taste was not as good compared to the ones he had had in his previous state.

Germany Online Cannabis Dispensary
BQWO Cannabis Farm

In his burning desire to get good strains in their best quality, he got in contact with so many suppliers in the neighborhood. His exposure to all these suppliers and their diverse methods of growing marijuana developed in him the interest to own a marijuana farm. Quitting his job the following year in 2010, he decided to focus on cultivating marijuana. He admits this was the most difficult adventure of his life. He started with a little sum of money he had saved from his 8 years of working as a stockist.

In the early years of start, it was very difficult for the business to stay profitable due to the fact that there were several costs involved in growing his marijuana indoor farm house and also meeting up to the States demands to cultivate and own a marijuana shop. Few years after he started, he realized the need to expand his production so as to meet up with the increasingly growing demand. 

Despite the need for expansion, he always maintains his focus on the quality of weed grown. He says, “quality weed sells faster” and with this in mind, he maintained a keen interest in providing the best quality marijuana to his clients. He contacted some friends to invest in his business of which some did and with the investment he received from friends, he was now able to operate his marijuana farm on a large scale and as he desired.

His business grew to a large scale and thereby providing employment to many people. Together with his team of 83 employees, Buy Quality Weed Online supplies the best quality cannabis in Germany. We have a large client base and we ensure that everyone in the distribution chain is satisfied with what they pay for. The demand for marijuana will always be on an ever increasing level as different people consume it for different reasons.

BQWO Farm House